Can I Make Money In Penny Stocks. These facts will help you understand whether investors can actually find good "profit potential." It's a funny thing about penny stocks — people will invest in them even though they suspect the share price is being manipulated, according to a recent study by. Can you make money in penny stocks?
Many of these companies are speculative because they are thinly traded, usually over the counter instead of on major exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange. The Securities and Exchange Commission warns that "investors in penny stocks should be prepared for. On this evidence, it could well be possible to come up with a strategy to make money in penny stocks and there are surely some that do.
Despite their price, penny stocks equal a bigger risk than regular stocks.
Market research is your best friend.
The definition of penny stocks is entirely subjective. Can you make money in penny stocks? The idea is to make the investor aware of the potential risk associated with the stock, the possible customer rights ad penny-stock related norms that might be handy eventually.